UMICM offers volunteer opportunities year-round. There are opportunities in or Senior day program, homeless breakfast ministry, tutoring school-age children, teaching arts and crafts, music education, working in the community garden, helping with community engagement events, home repairs and outdoor clean-up for senior members of the community, stocking and cleaning the food pantry and volunteering at special events are just a few ways you can get involved
We are in this together!
The Mission relies on corporate and individual donations. For the past 26 years, the Mission's largest fundraising event has been the annual golf tournament. Other fundraising events are held doing the year. The Mission also relies on corporate and individual donations.
Make A Donation
Funding for youth programming is supported by the Alabama Department of Child Abuse & Neglect, City of Mobile, District 3 as well as foundational and charitable grants as well as corporate and individual sponsorships.
Become A Volunteer
The only reason we are able to serve the community is through the generous hearts of people like you. We ask that you consider volunteering through one of our continuing programs or at one of our special events.
Connect With Us
Do you have an idea of a new, fun way we can serve the community? We would love to hear about it! Please use the form on our Contact page to submit your idea or to schedule a time to speak with one of our team members.